If you have a question I didn’t answer below, feel free to reach out and I will send you a response and add it here! -H.J.

How did you get into writing on Wattpad?

I started writing on Wattpad in 2015. I’d always wanted to be an author and a writer, and a freind told me about it. I definitely didn’t expect anything to come from it–I just wanted a place I could share my stories in a low pressure, non scary kind of way.

How did you get into writing on Wattpad?

I started writing on Wattpad in 2015. I’d always wanted to be an author and a writer, and a freind told me about it. I definitely didn’t expect anything to come from it–I just wanted a place I could share my stories in a low pressure, non scary kind of way.

How do you come up with a title? Is it something you think of in the beginning of the process or something that comes later on?

Don’t stress about title names! I would say just give it any name and you can change it later. But I do think Alexa Donne has a Youtube video where she outlines a process of basically word vomiting all sorts of possibilities for title names…. but again, I wouldn’t stress over this.  My husband actually came up with the title name for THE LAST SHE. And for THE BONEMASTER’S LULLABY, I loved that title but didn’t know what it even meant at the time, and then as I was writing the book I had an “AHA!” moment where it all came together and made sense.

What is your advice for writers?

Protect your love for writing. Keep reading, keep writing, and find balance in your life.

What inspires you the most when you write/ come up with stories?

I just love writing. I don’t really know how else to explain it. I don’t really know if I’m ‘inspired’, it’s just something I love doing, and therefore keep doing. Like some people really like chocolate chip cookies, and it’s hard to explain why they love them, but they don’t really need to be inspired to eat them cuz they just love them…. and now I want a cookie XD  

Can you read my book?

Though I wish I had time, I don’t. However, if you are looking to improve your writing there are so many wonderful (and free!) resources out there. I loved being on Wattpad, but there are many other places where you can find other writers to read your work, or to swap with. I also love Brandon Sanderson’s free Youtube class on writing. He gives a really good overview of the mechanics of writing a novel, and the business side of it. If you want to be an author, I highly recommend it. It’s better than many of the paid courses out there.

How many books have you written?

I have three published books, that can be purchased at most major book retailers: THE LAST SHE (book 1), THE LAST CITY (book 2) and THE LAST CREATION (book 3). I also have a book called THE BELLY OF THE BEAST, available to read on Wattpad.com only. I have a few other short stories and one other novel for free on Wattpad, and a free short story for anyone who subscribes to my newsletter… But I think when people ask this they seem to want an exact number. I’m not exactly sure, but it’s around eleven (as of 2024). Some exist in notebooks, some on Wattpad, one is coming down the line, and the above ones have been published. No writing is ever wasted! πŸ˜‰

How did you come up with the story of The Last She?

Slowly. The idea started as a bit of inspiration from growing up in Idaho, with a father (and mother!) who took me and siblings out hiking and exploring in the mountains often. I think Ara was born from the idea of her father teaching her to survive in the wild, and really the book starts with her having only the knowledge he’s taught her, and the drive to find him. From there I just kept writing, chapter by chapter, and found the rest of the story as I went. I also started writing the story after I’d gotten married and moved away from my family, and I do feel like that influenced it.

When coming up with a book idea do you already have the ending in mind or just ideas, or allow it to come naturally?

Thanks to the reader who sent this question in! My answer is that It depends. Sometimes a book idea will come to me as a sort of question like “What if there was only one woman left on earth? And she had to figure out what happened?” Sometimes it will be more of a vibe or a feeling. Like the new book I’m writing starting from hearing the wind moving through the trees, and wondering what it would be like if someone could hear the forest speak. But honestly, I try not to be too attached to this original idea. I think about, sometimes for weeks or months, and sometimes it goes away, and sometimes it just keeps growing and changing till I have to write it. I tend to be more of a “pantser”, aka someone who writes by the seat of their pants, versus a plotter, who plans a lot out beforehand.

Same for chapters as well, do you layout some events that you know you want to include or allow it to come by more naturally?

I tend to more of a “pantser” a.k.a someone who writes by the seat of thier pants and makes it up as they go. But I do know some sort of signposts of the story that I’m writing towards. I’ve heard it described as driving through the fog, not exactly sure what’s ahead, but knowing a few landmarks that lie on the road before? Some people are much better at plotting, I’ve just never been great at it. To me I love to discover the characters and story as I go. This means i do a lot of revision, but it’s so much more fun and exciting to me.

Advice for someone who has never written a book but wants to?

I would say to not get bogged down by worrying so much about publishing or making money–to just focus on the joy of writing and the joy of the craft. And to find others who are in a similar place/ability and become friends with them and go through the journey with them. Also to find some form of outside accountability. I loved my early days on Wattpad because readers always expected a new chapter from me on Fridays, and it made me keep producing work even when I didn’t feel like it or wasn’t inspired. I learned a lot about writing from their feedback too.

Maybe to also be honest about why you are writing and what you really want from it. It’s a really competitive field, and can take a long time to make money from it, but if writing is your passion, then so what? Keep writing, no one can take that from you, even if it is hard to make money, no one can stop you from writing. I think a lot of people think they can write a book and then sell it and make loads of money and that is their reason for writing. Also I see a lot of people get burned out and bitter because even if you are a good writer, sometimes it also takes luck and timing to make it in this feild. So basically just finding a way to hold onto the joy of the craft, and not get bogged down in the politics and rejection.